
Parable #4

By: Kirsti, G.E.P., Karissa, Madison, Alexandra, Hannah and Skyler

One student has nowhere to go after school because the funding for the after school program is gone. But his/her mom is a single parent working several jobs to make ends meet. When his/her friend found out that he/she was going home all alone after school, the friend asked him/her to come hang out after school. The single mom was so grateful that her child didn't have to go home alone in a not-so-great neighborhood. Later that school year the single mom became very ill and unable to work. Her child's friend found out and told his/her parents. They weren't rich or anything, but they always had food on the table and a roof over their head. So they invited the single mom and her child to come live with them. The single mom was so happy that this family had so much love for her and she hardly knew them. When she passed away she knew them. When she passed away she knew her child would be alright, because the family her child was now with had so much love in their hearts.

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