
Amazing Grace

One of my favorite hymns/song is Amazing Grace. No matter how many times that I hear this song, it always speaks to my soul. It just speaks so well to my heart, the idea of being lost but now being able to see. John Newton wrote this song after a huge change in his life from being a slave ship captain to a follower of Christ.

What a huge thing to turn from, the degradation of human beings to wanting to follow Christ with his life.

There are times when we are asked to change how we live or something that we truly love so that we are able to focus more fully on Christ. In Luke 18 and 19 are two great stories that were drawn to my attention from the Radical Renovation study that we are doing at BUMC during Lent.

We have all heard of the Rich Young Ruler and Zacchaeus in Luke, but a great connection was made to me this past week while thinking of these two men. Both of them had a bunch of money, although one was seen as good (the Rich Young Ruler) and the other as bad (Zacchaeus the tax collector). Both desired to know God, but only one was able to do it.

When asked to part with his posessions, the Rich Young Ruler refused and walked away from Jesus. But when Zacchaeus met Jesus, he realized the Amazing Grace that comes from Christ and sold 1/2 of his stuff for the poor as well as paid back all people that wronged him 4 times the amount.


This makes me wonder if I am holding onto anything too tightly. Are there things in my life that are keeping me from Christ? Is there something in my life that would make me want to belt out Amazing Grace?

How about you?


Radical Renovation: Lenten Study: Definition of Greatness

A few years back I was introduced to this artist named Keith Green. And by introduced I mean I heard of him, since he died way back in 1982. But I read his biography and was totally blown away. He was someone who strived to know God more fully and live his life showing this. He also wrote some pretty good songs (although to today's tastes are very cheesy). But you should check him out.

"It's time to quit playing church and start being the Church (Matt. 18:20)" — Keith Green

What I like about this quote is the fact that he is calling us to action. It is so easy for us to live our lives like Christ didn't matter at all, but that is not what we are called to do.

In Radical Renovation (the book that we are going through during Lent) we are looking at Mark9:33-37. During this time, as the disciples and Jesus are walking to Jesus' death on the cross, they disciples are arguing about who is the best of them. Who does Jesus like most?

I have always wondered why the disciples said and did so many dumb things, but then I realize that I do things that are even worse than what they are doing and saying. As a society we are seeking greatness as well. We like winning things or obtaining things or looking cool. We are no better than the disciples.

But what does Jesus tell them? He throws all of what we believe as greatness out and comes up with his own definition. He tells them that if you want to be great, you need to make yourself a servant to all. He says that the first shall be last and the last shall be first. And that is what we are called to do/be as followers of Christ.

Are you choosing to be servant or to be served? What in your life are you doing to put others first? Or are you living like our society tells us to live and looking out for numero uno? We are called to serve and be the church to the world, not just let the world serve us.

It is time to be great in Christ's eyes and not our own. Are you up to the challenge?


Joining History

Just like our Founding Fathers, Shakespeare and The 3 Stooges I too am breaking out into the world to get my message across.

Don't really have much to say at the moment, but this will be a great place to see what is going on with the Uth Group as well as any other random thing that I am thinking about or find on the internet.

So keep coming back and checking it out.

Here is a little something for you, if you have ever wanted to become a Simpsons character, go to this site: http://simpsonizeme.com