
Pete's Summer Reading List

School is out... the pool is open and the Rockies are losing. All signs of summer approaching.

Here are a list of books I suggest giving a read this summer:
Blue Like Jazz - by Donald Miller - A great book that will make you rethink how you think.
Through Painted Deserts - by Donald Miller
Searching for God Knows What - by Donald Miller - The sequel to Blue Like Jazz
To Own A Dragon - by Donald Miller - A must read for all males!
The Irresistible Revolution - by Shane Claiborne - Only read this book if you want to change.
Velvet Elvis - Rob Bell - WOW, that is all I can say!
The Great Divorce - C.S. Lewis - one of my all-time favorite books
The Screwtape Letters - by C.S. Lewis - Opened my eyes to Spiritual Warfare
Mere Christianity - by C.S. Lewis - a deep/in-depth look at Christianity
The Narnia Series - by C.S. Lewis - give them another read, they really speak of God's love
UnChristian - by Kinnamon and Lyons - a book about Christian stereotypes and what we can do to over come them.
The Practice of the Presence of God - by Brother Lawrence - wow, this dude was cool

Books I want to read this summer:

Jesus for President - by Shane Claiborne - just seems appropriate with the election soon approaching.
The Science of God - by Schroeder
New Seeds of Contemplation - by Thomas Merton
A Grief Observed - by C.S. Lewis - gotta read some Lewis this summer
Orthodoxy - by G.K. Chesterton

Enjoy this summer and pick up a book! If you need to borrow, let me know!