
Texting Craziness

How many of you text? I would also include myself in this group of textors, although I am a light-weight. Last week I read an article
about a girl who sent 14,528 texts ( http://www.nypost.com/seven/01112009/news/nationalnews/this_kids_a_text_maniac_149614.htm) . Now I know what you are thinking; “That is nothing. I send more than that in a year.” Ah, but this
wasn’t in a year, this was in one month! This works out to 484 texts a day or about one text message every two minutes (according to the
NY Post). Now I feel rather hypocritical saying this, because I also text and feel that there are a lot of advantages to this technology,
Marta (my wife) disagrees. But this is a little extreme. What is happening with our society? Are we becoming to detached from real
In the book of Acts it talks about the acts of the early church, hence the title Acts (did you know that one?) This book is a book about
community, togetherness, interaction and people. This book is not about texting and the internet. It is not about anonymity but instead it
is about being known. There is a rather odd story found in Acts 5 about two people, Ananias and Sapphira. This married couple wanted
to follow what others were doing, and sell some land to give the money to the community. This was a time where people were caring for
each other, they were together and interacted as one. Many people were selling their personal possessions for the better good of their
friends and their community. No longer did they seek privacy and being unconnected, but instead sold what they had in order to connect
So, this couple, Ananias and Sapphira, sold land but withheld some of the money, even though they claimed to be giving the full amount.
They talked about being united, yet they stayed anonymous. Unfortunately the story goes that they both were struck dead for their lies,
but that is not the main point. They tried to stay apart from people. They tried to care in words but not in deeds. They tried to live a lie
and they ended up getting pushed further away from the community.
Texting can be the same way. Are you avoiding someone when you text? Are you trying to stay secluded? Who can you interact with
today? Who can you be “God with skin on” to?