
Star Trek Bible Study Notes - Episode: Symbiosis (Star Trek: The Next Generation, 1988)

Summary: Captain Picard and the gang running the Enterprise-D answer a distress call from an alien ship in trouble. Four aliens are rescued, two each from different planets in the same system. When their ship disintegrated they were in the middle of a transaction of some very valuable cargo from one planet to the other: a year’s supply of a drug which keeps symptoms of a planet-wide plague under control. With a bit of investigation, it turns out that the drug is not medicine, but a highly addictive narcotic; the “producer” planet (Planet Pusher?) manufactures only this one product, and has kept the “plague” planet (Planet Addict?) in pharmaceutical bondage for generations. Without getting too far into established Star Trek lore and/or giving away the ending, Captain Picard must face the dilemma of letting the situation alone and thus letting the Pushers continue to exploit the Addicts, or “doing something about it.” (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbiosis_(Star_Trek:_The_Next_Generation))

Clips to show: Addicts' reaction to drug, Picard confronting the Pushers, Picard's refusal to give them the crucial part for repairs.

Discussion Points:

1.How do we know what we really need? In this very contrived example, Picard is “God” in that he is somewhat omniscient (surely an oxymoron!) and can see what is “really” best for the Addict Planet people, which is to get off the drug and beat the addiction.

2. What's the difference between a "need" and a "want?"

3. Ethics of Picard's decision?

4. God isn't Santa Claus. Just 'cause you want something doesn't mean you'll get it, and if you pray for something & don't get it that doesn't mean God didn't hear or answer your prayer. Sometimes the answer is "no," even when we can't understand why (ie, “Bruce Almighty” setting it up so everyone's prayers are answered).

Scripture to ponder:
Isaiah 55:1-2
Matthew 9:29
John 14:13-14
John 15:16
John 16:23-26

Ask anything IN HIS NAME & it will be given to you (emphasis added)—discuss what “in his name” means

Matthew 6:25-34 and Luke 12:27-34 (Trust God to give us what we NEED)