
Global Hope

One of the great things in youth ministry here at Broomfield Untied Methodist Church is it’s location next to Broomfield High School. Due to this convenient location and “open” lunches for all of the students we have a great opportunity for ministry. One thing that we do, and have done for years now, is that of Jesus Pizza. But with the revamping of the Youth Room we have been able to expand the ministry at BUMC to be more than just on Wednesdays for lunch. So, we have started a new program that sells a la carte lunch items to the BHS high school students. We offer burritos from Burritos to Go (a local establishment), chips, candy and pop.

This has been a great way for me to meet the students of BHS. On a daily basis we see around 120 kids coming through the Youth Room doors, most of which stay to talk and socialize. This allows me to get to know so many new faces and to try and get them plugged into the youth group at church. Another great benefit is that we are able to use the profits made from the youth room sales of food to support a Global Hope teen from Romania named Ioana. Most weeks we are able to donate $200 to Ioana in Romania. In the last quarter we have raised $1,400 that will be going to help Ioana in support of food, housing, education and basic needs. I just see it as such a great way to have a global impact through a local ministry. And the teens are getting onboard too. Offering their change to help with Ioana’s support, hopefully teaching that they can make a difference in someone’s life who lives ½ way around the world.

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